
Touch the antiquity

13 April 2024

Ancient people considered Altai to be an amazing land suitable for life, hunting, farming and recreation.

In Altai, the first man appeared about a million years ago and was called archantropus. This is evidenced by archaeological findsTsarskoe kurgan... The landscape of the region was completely different. Glaciers covered vast areas and people settled in the cold steppes and forests. The nomadic way of life drove people from one place to another. Climatic storms, the birth and destruction of mountains, nothing stopped a person: he returned to these places again and again. In Altai, tools of the Paleolithic era were found, sites were discovered, the age of which dates back to tens of thousands of years.

The remoteness of Altai, a significant temporary distance of the peoples who lived here, made it possible to preserve many monuments of ancient cultures.

Photo: Anton Agarkov, Valery Stepanyuk.