

Altaytourtsentr is one of the main driving forces for the development of tourism in the Altai Region and the promotion of the region beyond its borders. Altaitourcenter has created an internet portal visitaltay.rf, operates seven information terminals, develops booklets and maps for tourists. Altayturcenter's consultations this year received 182 thousand people. Altaytourtsentr employees are organizers of the largest tourist events of the region - the holidays "Blooming of the maral" and "Altai wintering". They represent the region at major international exhibitions. Altayturcenter conducts training seminars, press tours.

Who cares about Altaitourcenter services?

Tourists traveling in the Altai Region

Altayturcenter specialists will tell you about the sights, the main tourist events. In our office - maps, books, videos about the Altai Region.

Tourism professionals: employees of travel agencies and institutions

For specialists - training seminars, information about projects in the field of tourism, including tourism exhibitions.

To organizers of tourist events

Possibility of placing information on the tourist portal visitaltay.rf, placing information at the counters and within the framework of events.

Federations, non-profit organizations

Find out how to join the tourism projects of the Altai Region - forums, festivals, exhibitions.

Altaitourcenter open office

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Where can you find us?
Address: Barnaul,
Krasnoarmeisky pr., 16A
+7 (3852) 206-101

Working hours

Mon-Fri: 9.00-18.00
Фон - горы

Ask us about the rest in the Altai Territory

If you have any questions, feel free to write to us! We will be happy to answer!

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