
Museum of the Great War Soldier Alexei Skurlatov

Altai Territory, Kosikhinsky District, the village of Nalobikha.

The Museum of the Great War Soldier Alexei Skurlatov was opened at the initiative of the Governor of the region Alexander Karlin. The museum room is located in the school building in the village of Nalobikha, Kosikhinsky district, Altai Territory.

The exposition of the museum is presented in two parts: the region, the Kosikhinsky district during the war years - photographs, archival documents, letters are presented. The second part is devoted toAlexey Ivanovich Skurlatov, his daughter donated a lot of the soldier's personal belongings, photographs, letters, correspondence, books to the museum's archives.

The Alyosha Museum is the second and unofficial name of the museum. The central exhibit of the museum is the graphic monument "Alyosha" - a copy of this monument, which was installed in Bulgaria. In addition to the history of Alyosha, the museum has many other exhibits.

So, for example, the famous lecture book of Bondarev on the educational specialty of artillery. Campaign posters, the history of the village during the Great Patriotic War - "Everything for the front, everything for victory", which also includes a story about the education of children of the war years.

Also, as exhibits, various equipment and weapons are presented, not only used during the war by Soviet soldiers, but also weapons and equipment of the Fascist army, Fascist and Soviet helmets, documents, orders, field utensils and much more. Undoubtedly, such exhibits cannot but be interesting, they push school students to write all kinds of research papers.

Museum of the Great War Soldier Alexei Skurlatov на карте

Where is
Altai Territory, Kosikhinsky District, the village of Nalobikha.