RiverKatun- most major sourcethe Ob River... It originates on the southern slope of the Katunsky ridge near Mount Belukha, flowing out of the Katunsky (Gebler) glacier at an altitude of about 2000 km. The territory of the Altai Territory captures the Katun in its lower reaches.
WaterKatunimay change color depending on the season. In spring and summer, when the river is fed by rains, melt water and glaciers, the water becomes cloudy and becomes gray. Before the onset of real cold weather, the Katun can be seen in all its splendor. In the autumn and winter months, the river is fed from groundwater and becomes saturatedturquoise shade.
Katun's character is notable for its inconstancy. In some places it is a stormy river, in others it is already calm, it depends on the relief of those sections along which the Katun is moving. The Katun has a large number of tributaries - Chuya, Sumulta, Koksa, Akkem. Already below Sumulta, the Katun loses the appearance of a mountain river and continues its way among the descending spurs of the ridges.Предложенный вами маршрут был отправлен на модерацию.
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